
English〈英語〉_Daisen-Oki National Park


■Hiruzen: Gateway to Daisen-Oki
Gently sloping uplands and the famed peaks of the Daisen-Hiruzen Highlands welcome visitors to Daisen-Oki National Park: 69,410 hectares of diverse scenery spread across Shimane, Okayama, and Tottori Prefectures. Originally established as Daisen National Park in 1936, the park was renamed after being expanded to include parts of Shimane and the Hiruzen Highlands in 1963. The Hiruzen area encompasses a wealth of ecosystems spanning mountain forests, clear rivers, and broad grasslands. Two endemic plant species and numerous endangered plants and animals make their homes here, relying on the park’s protected status to preserve their fragile populations. People in this area have adapted to the environment over the centuries, developing a flourishing culture that is inseparable from the landscape.
The Hiruzen Highlands and the “Three Peaks of Hiruzen” (known collectively as the Hiruzen Sanza) are part of the Chūgoku Mountain Range, which stretches from eastern Yamaguchi Prefecture to western Hyōgo Prefecture. Like the neighboring Daisen range, the Hiruzen mountains were shaped by repeated volcanic eruptions as lava and volcanic debris hardened into domes that formed the various peaks. At lower elevations, the mountainsides are blanketed with natural woodlands of oak and chestnut, interspersed with plantations of Japanese cedar and hinoki cypress. Higher up the slopes, Japanese beech, oak, and other deciduous broadleaf trees shelter rare montane plant species. Throughout the area, broad swathes of grassland are maintained by annual controlled burns. This age-old practice preserves the grassland habitats of resident endangered species and also ensures a consistent supply of the plants used in traditional handicrafts. 
Today, the Hiruzen Highlands is a popular vacation and resort area with outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and cycling. The elevation of 500 to 600 meters above sea level generally ensures cooler temperatures even in the hottest months, making the region an ideal summer destination. The cool climate and black volcanic soil support several agricultural specialties, including blueberries, an unusual species of wine grape, and daikon radishes prized for their uniform shape. Hiruzen is also known for its rolling pastures, Jersey cows, and high-quality milk.
Rich natural resources provide the raw materials for many local industries. These include unique traditional handicrafts such as Gōbara lacquerware, a style that uses only local materials—both the wooden vessel bases and the sap that is processed into lacquer come from trees grown in Hiruzen. The final product is polished with locally mined diatomaceous earth, a layer of silica-rich sediment formed from the fossils of tiny phytoplankton called diatoms. A long-running lumber industry has evolved to include modern technologies like cross-laminated timber (CLT), which is made by gluing sawn lumber boards in perpendicular layers to form large panels. These eco-friendly panels make more efficient use of forestry resources while providing increased structural stability, heat resistance, and versatility compared with standard lumber.
The beautiful and varied landscapes of the Hiruzen Highlands are deeply interwoven with local culture. Historically, the mountains isolated the villages of Hiruzen from coastal areas, but also helped preserve intangible cultural assets. A local dance called the Ōmiya Odori, for example, is thought to have its roots in court dances from more than a thousand years ago. It is still performed as part of the summer festival.
■Topography of Daisen and Hiruzen
The peaks surrounding the Hiruzen Highlands are part of a chain of stratovolcanoes stretching southeast from Mt. Daisen (1,729 m) in Tottori Prefecture. Between 1 million and 500,000 years ago, repeated eruptions formed the Hiruzen peaks of Mt. Zōyama (1,085 m), Mt. Giboshiyama (1,110 m), Mt. Futamatayama (1,083 m), and Mt. Minagasen (1,159 m), as well as the trio of peaks collectively called the Hiruzen Sanza, or “Three Peaks of Hiruzen”: Mt. Kami-Hiruzen (1,202 m), Mt. Naka-Hiruzen (1,123 m), and Mt. Shimo-Hiruzen (1,100 m).
Most of the Hiruzen peaks were created by slow-moving, viscous lava flows. Like Mt. Daisen, the Hiruzen mountains are composed mostly of dacite and andesite, volcanic rocks formed from hardened lava that are prone to erosion.
The ridgeline of the Hiruzen Sanza peaks forms the boundary between Okayama and Tottori Prefectures. On their southern side, at an elevation of about 600 meters, the steep slopes flatten out into a wide, gently sloping skirt known as the Hiruzen Highlands. The region contains broad swathes of grassland that provided locals with fodder for livestock, fertilizer for fields, and thatch for housing until the mid-twentieth century. Today, the grasslands are also recognized as a crucial habitat for several endemic and endangered species. Every spring, the ground cover is cleared with the age-old tradition of controlled burns (yamayaki). The burns stimulate the germination of native grasses and prevent the landscape from reverting to forest.
South of the sloping highlands lies a wide alluvial plain known as the Hiruzen Basin. Around 350,000 years ago, an avalanche of volcanic ash and debris flowed into a river channel and dammed it. The area flooded, creating a huge lake. During that time, tiny single-celled algae called diatoms lived in the waters. Their skeletons were made of silica (a form of silicon). When the diatoms died, they drifted to the lake bottom to form a layer of silica-rich sediment that in places is nearly 100 meters thick. Called diatomaceous earth or diatomite, this sediment’s light weight, abrasiveness, and porousness make it useful in applications ranging from filtering beer to making dynamite. Hiruzen is one of Japan’s key regions for silica mining.
Ongoing volcanic activity on Mt. Daisen eventually caused the western part of the Hiruzen Basin lake to fill with volcanic debris. At the same time, the eastern shore of the lake began to erode into the Asahi River system to the south. Once the lake had fully drained, the newly revealed lowland flats became prime land for settlement—and now are home to the modern-day city of Maniwa.
■Hiruzen Highland Attractions
Located on a rolling plateau in northern Okayama Prefecture, the Hiruzen Highlands is one of Japan’s premier resort locations for nature lovers.
The Highlands’ elevation of 500 to 600 meters makes for comfortable summer temperatures ideal for hiking, cycling, and other outdoor activities. Area trails afford sweeping views of southern Daisen-Oki National Park, with Mt. Daisen—the highest peak in the Chūgoku region—clearly visible to the north. The Hiruzen slopes are blanketed with oaks and other broadleaf trees that shelter remote ecosystems like the Orogatawa wetlands. In spring and early summer, the trail connecting the impressive triple peaks of the Hiruzen Sanza—Mt. Kami-Hiruzen, Mt. Naka-Hiruzen, and Mt. Shimo-Hiruzen—winds through open woods where fawn lilies (katakuri) and bamboo lilies bloom in season. The fawn lily bulbs, which contain starch, were traditionally harvested to make a thickener used in Japanese cooking (katakuriko). (The starch more commonly used today is derived from potatoes, as the flower is now on the endangered species list.) Japanese pincushion flowers also bloom here in late summer, and the landscape viewed from the peaks is particularly striking in autumn.
Near the trailhead to Mt. Naka-Hiruzen is a newly built campground called Hiruzen Shiogama Camping Village. It provides comfortable outdoor accommodations ranging from grassy plots for tents to luxurious glamping pods suspended from the trees. The onsite shop rents everything a camper might need, from sleeping bags to cooking gear, and even lawn toys for children. Visitors can lounge by a campfire, try a treetop obstacle course, or tackle the 2.7-kilometer climb to the summit of Mt. Naka-Hiruzen.
The Highlands is also a fine destination for cycling. A nearly 30-kilometer cycling path encircles the Hiruzen Basin, offering panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and farmland. The path follows both bike-exclusive roads and local streets with light traffic, and has numerous shaded rest areas and public toilets, making it suitable for families and casual cyclists. Other fine-weather pursuits in the Hiruzen area include “river trekking” (walking in the bed of a rocky mountain stream) and horseback riding. Come winter, visitors can ski, go snowboarding, or even try snowshoeing.
Hiruzen is the largest breeding area for Jersey cows in Japan and is famous for its dairy products. Jersey cattle were first imported from New Zealand in 1954 to make use of semi-natural grasslands deemed unsuitable for farming. Since then, Jersey products have become a major local industry; cheese, milk, soft-serve ice cream, yogurt, and other dairy foods are all produced and sold in the area. At the agriculturally themed attraction called Hiruzen Jersey Land, visitors can try milking a cow or making cheese. Local dairies also produce the fresh clotted cream that is served with afternoon tea at another popular attraction: Hiruzen Herb Garden Herbill. Diners here are surrounded by extensive grounds planted with 250 different varieties of herbs, including 20,000 lavender plants that bloom in July and August.
No resort area in Japan is complete without hot springs, and the waters of Hiruzen are particularly welcome as a muscle-soothing end to an active day. The baths of some traditional-style inns are open for day use, and the Hiruzen Yatsuka Onsen Kaiyukan is a public facility where bathers can enjoy views of the Hiruzen landscape from outdoor natural-stone baths.
■Wildlife in Hiruzen
As part of Daisen-Oki National Park, the Hiruzen Highlands plays an important role in sustaining a healthy biosphere for thousands of plants and animals.
Some of the species and varieties found here cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Such species often reference the region in their names, such as Hiruzen baikamo (Ranunculus nipponicus var. okayamensis), a flowering waterweed that grows in the small irrigation canals that once supplied water for agriculture and daily life to Hiruzen farmers. Another is Hiruzen suge (Carex aphyllopus var. impura), a sedge first collected in 1930. It grows on all three peaks of the Hiruzen Sanza, but is most abundant on Mt. Naka-Hiruzen.
Numerous threatened and endangered species can be found in the Hiruzen Highlands. One of the most famous endangered residents is the small longhorn beetle called fusahige-ruri-kamikiri (Agapanthia japonica). Measuring 15–17 millimeters, these beetles are notable for their elongated black bodies, metallic purple sheen, and tufted antennae. Their populations once spread throughout central Japan and even Hokkaido, but have dwindled with the reduction of their grassland habitats. They are now found only in Okayama and Nagano Prefectures, and only reliably in Hiruzen. The Ministry of the Environment has designated the species as critically endangered (CR), meaning it faces an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.
The Hiruzen Highlands is an important stronghold for these beetles because their life cycle is tied to a flowering plant called the citron daylily (Hemerocallis citrina), which grows only in wet grasslands. Adult fusahige-ruri-kamikiri feed on citron daylilies and lay their eggs in the stems. The larvae pass the winter nestled inside the plant, feeding on it as they develop, then hatch in June or July. Without Hiruzen’s population of citron daylilies, the species would be virtually homeless.
One of the most critically threatened freshwater bivalves in the world is Hiruzen’s species of pearl mussel, Margaritifera laevis. Freshwater bivalves play an important role in the aquatic ecosystem, as they filter particulate matter, release nutrients, and mix sediment. Globally, their numbers have drastically declined in the last few decades due to human activity and habitat reduction. Freshwater pearl mussels require a shallow river habitat with water that flows at a languid pace and does not rise above 18°C–20°C. In Hiruzen, the Tendani and Obara Rivers provide exactly this sort of environment. The rivers also host populations of red-spotted masu trout (Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae), in whose gills the mussel larvae live for about two months before dropping down into the riverbed sediment as juveniles.
Another rare species that inhabits the area is the Japanese luehdorfia (Luehdorfia japonica), a white and yellow tiger-striped butterfly with distinctive red and blue markings on its hindwings. It appears only once a year, around April, which has earned it the nickname of haru no megami, or “spring goddess.” The Ministry of the Environment has designated it a vulnerable (VU) species, indicating there is a risk of its extinction in the wild.
The Japanese luehdorfia thrives in broadleaf deciduous forests with sparse undergrowth. In mountainous Japan, the scarcity of flat, open land has historically led people to settle in mountain valleys and farm the foothills surrounding them. These harvested fields and forests were termed satoyama. Wooded areas outside the town were coppiced, meaning their trees were routinely cut for charcoal and then allowed to grow back. Leaves, fallen branches, and scrub brush were gathered from the forest floor for fuel and fertilizer. In short, satoyama practices created the perfect environment for the Japanese luehdorfia.
In modern Japan, satoyama-style land management is becoming rarer as the population ages and young people choose urban over rural life. Without regular maintenance, satoyama environments revert to natural forestland. This process has claimed many former grasslands and coppiced woods, reducing the habitats of species that depend on them. Across the country, the range of the Japanese luehdorfia is shrinking. This trend is also present in Hiruzen, though for now satoyama practices continue, and local residents maintain coppiced woods where the “spring goddess” can still be seen dancing.
■The Tradition of Prescribed Burning
Spring has arrived, and the slopes of the Hiruzen Highlands are burning—but there is no need to panic. These are not raging wildfires, but controlled burns that help to preserve the biodiversity of the grasslands as well as the local way of life.
A semi-natural grassland is an ecosystem where humans and nature strike a mutually beneficial balance. Human activities such as mowing and livestock pasturing prevent grassland from reverting to forest, maintaining a biosphere suitable for grassland plants and animals. Globally, the amount of semi-natural grassland is decreasing as livestock husbandry moves away from natural grazing and former pasturage is converted into arable farmland. Grasslands currently make up about 1 percent of Japan’s land area—only a third of what it was in 1960. This means their preservation is particularly critical.
In Hiruzen, the local custom of controlled burns, called yamayaki, is maintaining semi-natural grasslands where species like the balloon flower (Platycodon grandiflorus) and Siebold primrose (Primula sieboldii)—both endangered in the wild—can still be found. These managed, low-intensity fires, which are carried out just after the spring thaw, do not raise subsurface temperatures to the degree that wildfires do. As a result, the roots and seeds of grassland plants survive, soon springing back to life in an environment cleared of light-blocking ground cover and tree saplings. The blackened ground also absorbs more sunlight, raising the soil to temperatures advantageous for germination and lengthening the growing season.
The tradition of controlled burns is deeply connected to life in Hiruzen. In the past, the grasslands served as pasture for horses and cattle, and the grasses harvested there provided thatch for roofs and much-needed fertilizer for agriculture. The grasses were also used to make yukigakoi, or “snow fences,” wooden slats interwoven with reeds to protect dwellings from the weight of accumulating snow. The Hiruzen grasslands were managed as a common community resource, so local people gathered each spring and worked together to maintain and preserve them. Although the practice is no longer essential to residents’ survival, local volunteers still gather to carry out the burns, both to continue a treasured tradition and to help preserve a fragile and unique ecosystem. Yamayaki is usually performed in late March or early April, depending on the weather. Visitors are welcome to participate in this important part of Hiruzen culture.
■Endangered Species in Hiruzen
The wealth of plant and animal species living in Hiruzen includes some that are extremely rare and endangered.
One of the most famous residents is a critically endangered longhorn beetle known by the tongue-twisting name of fusahige-ruri-kamikiri (Agapanthia japonica). While this beetle could once be found throughout central Japan and Hokkaido, its numbers have dwindled along with the grassland habitats it requires. The Hiruzen Highlands has become an important stronghold for this species, which lays its eggs and feeds on the citron daylily (Hemerocallis citrina) that grows in the region’s wet grasslands. Annual controlled burns in the highlands keep the ecosystem healthy and prevent it from reverting to forest.
Another vulnerable species is the Japanese luehdorfia (Luehdorfia japonica), a butterfly that appears only once a year around April—hence its nickname of “spring goddess.” The insect thrives in broadleaf deciduous forests with sparse undergrowth, a habitat abundant in Hiruzen thanks to a forestry practice known as coppicing. Coppicing involves cutting trees to use for charcoal, then allowing them to grow back from their stumps. During the intervening years, leaves and fallen branches are gathered for use as fuel and fertilizer, clearing the undergrowth and ensuring an ideal environment for the Japanese luehdorfia.
The aquatic environments of Hiruzen are also home to rare species, including the freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera laevis), one of the most critically threatened freshwater bivalves in the world. Globally, the number of freshwater bivalves has declined precipitously in the last few decades due to habitat destruction and other human-related factors, but there are still healthy populations of freshwater pearl mussels in Hiruzen’s Tendani and Obara Rivers. These organisms play an important role in maintaining a clean environment for other river species by filtering particulate matter, releasing nutrients, and mixing sediment.
Of the 2,836 vascular plant species found in Okayama Prefecture, about 2,000 are found in Hiruzen. Some are endemic, meaning they are found nowhere else in the world. One such species is Hiruzen baikamo (Ranunculus nipponicus var. okayamensis), a flowering waterweed found in the small irrigation canals that traditionally supplied water to local farms for agriculture and daily life. Another is Hiruzen suge (Carex aphyllopus var. impura), a sedge collected for the first time in Hiruzen in 1930. 
■What Is a Satoyama?
About three-fourths of Japan is mountainous. Historically, the scarcity of easily settled flat land led to resourceful local adaptations for farming and living in remote mountainous areas. Communities developed specialized traditions to meet the challenges of their locale and take advantage of close proximity to the mountain wilderness. Such villages were called yamasato, and the harvested fields and forests surrounding them were termed satoyama.
An example of traditional satoyama practice is coppicing. Local residents cut down oaks and other fast-growing deciduous trees every 10 to 20 years to supply wood for charcoal. The trees are then allowed to regrow, with new shoots repeatedly springing from old stumps. The shoots regenerate quickly using energy stored in the trees’ root systems. As a result, coppiced trees grow back to harvestable size much faster than if they had been replanted from seeds or seedlings. Leaves and fallen branches on the forest floor are collected annually to supply fuel and fertilizer.
Satoyama land-management practices reflect a way of life that exists in balance with nature, and they play a significant role in maintaining local biodiversity. For example, rice fields, reservoirs, and irrigation canals provide feeding and breeding grounds for resident and migratory birds, and they are vital to the life cycles of creatures like frogs, fireflies, and dragonflies. The harvest of tall grasses for roof thatching promotes the regeneration of smaller wildflowers that would otherwise struggle to compete for sunlight. In satoyama, people have found ways to meet their own needs while coexisting with, and even supporting, native species.
Satoyama practices are becoming rarer today, as populations age and young people choose urban over rural lives. Still, many people retain an idyllic image of traditional lifestyles and landscapes. A number of organizations are currently working to preserve the satoyama way of life or apply its wisdom to the development of communities that make use of the environment while preserving biodiversity. One example is the Satoyama Initiative, a joint project between the Ministry of the Environment and the United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability. 
■Maniwa: The Wooded City
Trees cover about 80 percent of Maniwa’s land, and timber and lumber are key industries in the Hiruzen area. Tree species suited for commercial timber were planted extensively beginning in the late nineteenth century. At that time, felled trees were transported by river to the city of Okayama, but the opening of a rail line in 1936 turned Maniwa into a major timber supply base for the Kansai region. The main species grown for lumber are Japanese cedar, hinoki cypress, and pine.
Around 1975, the forestry industry began to suffer because of changing consumer preferences and an influx of cheaper imported woods. While Maniwa’s industry remained relatively strong throughout the 1980s, local business leaders sought to protect it by finding better ways to use domestic timber. They focused on sustainability, conservation, and the use of modern technologies for forestry management and wood processing. One such innovation that set Maniwa apart from other timber-producing areas in Japan was the adoption of a cutting-edge technique for drying harvested timber. Today, the city uses sensor-equipped drones and cloud databases to strategically catalogue and manage forestry resources, while also exploring new ways of making efficient, eco-conscious use of its wood—like technologies such as cross-laminated timber (CLT).
Developed in Europe in the mid-1990s, CLT has gained traction in Japan in recent years for its beauty and versatility. Production involves forming large wooden panels by gluing together thin planks in perpendicular layers. The resulting material offers more stability, better fire resistance, and better insulation than standard wood paneling, while retaining the natural color and grain of the wood. Because CLT is made from a renewable resource, it is an environmentally friendly alternative to concrete.
Scrap wood and sawdust from Maniwa’s timber industry are put to use for the good of the local community. Since 2015, the 78,000 tons of waste produced annually has been transformed into usable energy at Maniwa Biomass Power Plant. The plant produces 10,000 kilowatts—more than enough energy for the city’s 22,000 homes— and the surplus is sold to outside power companies.
Japanese architecture, whether traditional or modern, tends to incorporate minimalist design, lightweight materials, and porous boundaries between indoor and outdoor spaces. Wood has always been a key element, and the enduring connection to the surrounding forest can be seen everywhere in Maniwa. From historic structures like the graceful eaves of Fukuda Shrine to new buildings that incorporate the latest CLT technology, Maniwa is made from wood—and wood has made Maniwa.
■Cross-Laminated Timber
CLT, or cross-laminated timber, is a newly engineered material with potential just beginning to be explored. Given Hiruzen’s history of timber production and local passion for sustainable development, the city of Maniwa promises to become a major center of Japan’s CLT production.
What is CLT?
CLT is a building material made by laminating thin layers of sawn lumber perpendicular to one another to form large panels. These panels retain the attractive grain of natural wood while providing increased stability, heat resistance, and versatility. CLT was developed in Europe during the mid-1990s, but its use has more recently gained traction in Japan.
How is CLT made?
The first step in making CLT is to dry the lumber thoroughly in a special kiln. Wood contracts as it loses moisture, so this process ensures the component lumber does not later change size and create warping in the finished panels. Once dry, each piece is sorted by appearance and strength to determine where best to place it.
Next, the lumber is made into planks up to 12 meters long, connected via interlocking cuts called finger joints. These cuts, which look like a line of narrow spikes, distribute pressure and increase the surface area for gluing, resulting in an extremely strong bond. Such joints can be employed to make much longer planks without the loss of stability, but legal restrictions on the length of truckloads in Japan make 12 meters the upper limit for road transportation.
The planks are aligned and coated with laminate adhesive before being covered with another layer of planks laid perpendicular to it. The process is then repeated, with the final number of layers varying depending on the panel’s intended use. Once all the layers are complete, 8 kilograms of pressure per square centimeter is applied to the panel for 40 to 60 minutes (depending on the air temperature) as it sets. The panel is then put aside for 24 hours to finish drying.
The completed panel, called motherboard, is then cut to order. Since everything from joints to openings for windows and light switches is precisely cut at the factory, on-site construction time is dramatically reduced. The pre-cut pieces can simply be snapped together and fixed in place.
What are the advantages of CLT?
The advantages of CLT are manifold in terms of cost, functionality, and sustainability. As a building material, CLT has demonstrated more stability, better fire and seismic resistance, and better insulative capability than standard wood paneling, yet it retains the timber’s natural color and grain.
In addition to its aesthetic advantages, CLT has the benefit of a lighter environmental footprint than concrete or steel, but just as much versatility. Concrete has long been a construction staple, but the sand required to make it is becoming increasingly difficult to obtain. Wood materials, however, are renewable and easily obtained domestically. Furthermore, both the use of local raw materials and the lighter weight of the finished product during delivery serve to reduce the carbon output from transport.
CLT also allows for much more efficient use of timber resources. It enables smaller pieces of wood to be amalgamated to make large panels, and also creates a market for wood that has traditionally been considered less attractive. For example, in Japan the uniform paleness of hinoki cypress is prized more highly than the dramatic color differences in the grain of Japanese cedar. However, hinoki grows much more slowly than cedar and is therefore more expensive. A CLT panel can be created with hinoki cypress planks on the outside and less-expensive cedar planks hidden inside, which lowers the price of the finished product. Additionally, this system allows faster-growing tree species to be used in combination with slower-growing trees to better sustain forests.
At the construction site, structures can be quickly assembled from prefabricated CLT panels, as there is no need to wait for concrete to dry. The modular nature of these structures means buildings can also be easily disassembled and moved if needed. Better insulative capability offered by CLT translates to lower heating and cooling costs and a reduced environmental impact over the long term.
Even the waste created in the CLT production process can be put to use. In Maniwa, wood scraps and sawdust are collected and burned for fuel at a biomass plant across the street from the CLT factory. The waste heat generated is in turn sent to the wood-drying kiln at the CLT factory, resulting in a closed production loop.
To see an example of CLT’s potential, visit the Maniwa Visitor Center, where a pavilion designed by architect Kengo Kuma and crafted from homegrown timber provides a spot to relax and take in views of the Hiruzen Highlands. 
■Nature Conservation Activities: Experiencing Life in Hiruzen, Preserving Life in Hiruzen
People in the Hiruzen Highlands have preserved the traditions of life in Japan’s upland valleys, where long ago the residents of small hamlets learned to farm the forested slopes and make sustainable use of limited resources. Their land-management techniques work in balance with nature, husbanding and supporting delicate habitats. Rice fields, reservoirs, and irrigation canals provide feeding grounds for migrating birds and are important to the life cycles of creatures like frogs, fireflies, and dragonflies. Such environments meet the needs of inhabitants while also ensuring the survival of native species.
In Maniwa, visitors are invited to better understand this way of life through participation. Listed below are some examples of local management and conservation activities that visitors may enjoy. Please stop by the town visitor center to find out what options are currently available. Staff will be happy to provide guidance and contact local organizations.
■Yamayaki (Controlled Burns)
Each spring, low-intensity, managed fires are set in the hills around Hiruzen. This practice, known as yamayaki, prevents the semi-natural grasslands from reverting to forest, maintaining a vital habitat for endangered grassland flora and fauna. 
■Kayakari (Thatch Cutting)
Kayakari, the autumn harvest of tall reeds and grasses like silvergrass, promotes the regeneration of wildflowers that would otherwise lose out in the competition for sunlight. In modern times, the cut reeds are no longer needed to thatch houses, but local residents still carry out Maniwa’s harvest each year. The grasses are used for compost and animal fodder, and to repair the thatch on traditional buildings.
■Wild Grapes
The wine and juice at Hiruzen Winery is made from a wild grape known as yamabudō (Vitis coignetiae). This species, which is endemic to Japan, produces smaller, tarter grapes than domesticated strains and requires very particular conditions to produce flowers or fruit. As a result, trellises at the winery need constant care to ensure a bountiful harvest. Visitors are welcome to try their hand at pruning, pollinating, and harvesting. 
Hiruzen’s residents hope that inviting visitors to share in these activities will help to preserve traditional practices for future generations, as well as foster human connections and an appreciation of the age-old knowledge that remains a part of everyday life in Maniwa.
■Shiogama Camping Village
Shiogama Camping Village is a modern camping and glamping facility nestled at the foot of Mt. Naka-Hiruzen. Opened in July 2018, this pet-friendly recreation area has four different campgrounds, each offering a different level of luxury. “A” Camp contains fully equipped teepee or lodge tents for glamping on the ground, while “D” Camp features spacious, furnished glamping pods erected on stilts and partially suspended from the trees. For campers seeking a more rugged outdoor experience, “C” Camp has unfurnished tents already set up, and “B” Camp is a broad glade dotted with craggy boulders and space for freestyle camping with personal gear or rented equipment.
An on-site shop rents everything campers could possibly need, from sleeping bags to cooking gear—even board games and lawn toys for the kids. Guests also have access to showers and laundry facilities that are open 24 hours. Drinks and popular foods like locally made Jersey-beef sausages are available, sold individually or as part of complete barbecue-ready meals. Visitors can also dine at the Shiogama Restaurant, which serves dishes made with Hiruzen-grown produce like the area’s famous daikon radishes. A food stand called Shiogama-dō offers sweets, shaved ice, and fresh-brewed coffee made with Shiogama spring water.
Within the campground, guests can relax by the shady Shiogama Spring or test their balance and agility in the treetop obstacle course: a 7-meter-high, four-story play structure of huts, ropes, swings, and nets suspended between the trees. There is also a dog run for those traveling with canine companions.
Rental bikes are available for trips into town or for touring the Hiruzen area on Maniwa’s nearly 30-kilometer-long bike trail. Near Shiogama Spring is a trailhead that leads to the summit of Mt. Naka-Hiruzen (a distance of 2.7 km). From there, branch trails lead west to Mt. Kami-Hiruzen (1.6 km) or east to Mt. Shimo-Hiruzen (3.1 km), giving campers easy access to all three of Hiruzen’s most famous peaks.
■Hiruzen Hiking Trails
Hiking in the Hiruzen Highlands offers panoramic views of sweeping grasslands and lush forests set against the majestic mountains of Daisen-Oki National Park.
Mt. Kami-Hiruzen (1,202 m), Mt. Naka-Hiruzen (1,123 m), and Mt. Shimo-Hiruzen (1,100 m) are collectively known as the Hiruzen Sanza, or simply as Mt. Hiruzen. An 11-kilometer trail traverses all three summits, with trailheads at the base of Mt. Kami-Hiruzen in the west and Mt. Shimo-Hiruzen in the east. The whole hike takes 7 to 8 hours to complete. A shorter and more popular option is to climb just Mt. Naka-Hiruzen, starting from a third trailhead at Shiogama Spring. This trail takes about two hours from start to summit. All of the trails rise about 600 meters in elevation.
The Hiruzen Sanza give superb views of the Hiruzen Highlands, with glimpses of the Sea of Japan to the north on clear days. In damp, cool weather, dense mountain mists sometimes collect in the Hiruzen Basin and result in a phenomenon known as an unkai, or “sea of clouds.” On such occasions, the valley is obscured and the surrounding peaks rise eerily from a white sea. About half a kilometer along the trail west of the Mt. Kami-Hiruzen summit, hikers will get the best view of Mt. Daisen, a massive dormant volcano in neighboring Tottori Prefecture.
Other seasonal highlights of the Hiruzen Sanza trails include pale-pink bamboo lilies in June, the spidery purple blooms of fawn lilies in May, and rustling fields of bamboo grass in summer, a quintessential image of the Japanese wilderness.
■Mt. Mihirayama Hiking Trail
The 4.5-kilometer trail to the summit of Mt. Mihirayama is one of the most popular hiking courses in the Hiruzen Highlands. It has a gentle elevation gain of just 300 meters, making it suitable for hikers of nearly all ages and skill levels, while providing some of the region’s best panoramic views.
Mt. Mihirayama (1,010 m) straddles the border between Tottori and Okayama Prefectures, providing an excellent vantage point overlooking the southern range of Daisen-Oki National Park. From the summit, the massive dormant volcano Mt. Daisen (1,729 m) is visible to the north. To the east and northeast lie the rolling Hiruzen Highlands and the humped ridgeline of the “three peaks of Hiruzen,” called the Hiruzen Sanza.
The trail passes through a variety of rich landscapes, including conifer and oak forests. Near Mihirayama’s summit, broad fields of bamboo grass and silvergrass cover the slopes. The tufted heads of silvergrass stalks rippling in an autumn breeze are a memorable sight evocative of the season.
In 1898 the Japanese army used these fields to raise and train horses. To that purpose, 2,300 hectares of pasturage were enclosed with earthen walls totaling 56 kilometers in length, 46 of which remain. Part of these earthworks run along the path near the summit.
From the trailhead parking area, a well-marked circular route ascends northwest to the summit and descends via the Anagatawa Pass. The full loop takes slightly less than two hours to complete, but visitors can also simply retrace their steps from the summit, shortening the time to about 80 minutes.
■Ōmiya Odori
The Ōmiya Odori is a traditional dance at the center of Maniwa’s celebration of Obon, a Buddhist holiday during which the spirits of one’s ancestors are said to return to earth.
Celebrated throughout Japan for three days each summer, Obon is one of the biggest holidays on the cultural calendar; children return home to share family meals and make offerings at family gravesides. Obon festivals often culminate with a lively group dance, called a bon odori, to welcome the ancestral spirits home. With pounding taiko drums and call-and-response chanting, it tends to be a lively affair.
The bon dance seen in Maniwa, however, is unusually restrained and stately. Called the Ōmiya Odori, it has slow, precise moves and is accompanied only by a lilting chant and a single hand-held drum. The position of the dancers’ hands, as well as their back-and-forth steps, are said to mimic the wary movements of a fox. In Japan, foxes are viewed as symbols of rain and fertility, both of which are highly important to farming communities.
The dance’s connection to fertility is not limited to agriculture. Traditionally, the Ōmiya Odori also afforded an opportunity for young people across Hiruzen to meet and pair up, often resulting in marriages and children who would sustain the community for another generation. The desire to produce progeny is clearly demonstrated by an unusual segment of the dance in which two performers pantomime the sex act, one holding a sesame-grinding mortar and the other a wooden pestle, stand-ins for reproductive organs. In addition to its marriage-making function, the celebration was a time of loosened mores, when free love was acceptable. Children conceived out of wedlock during this period were considered a blessing to the mother, regardless of her marital status.
The Ōmiya Odori takes place on multiple days in July and August at different venues around town. Dance movements vary slightly from neighborhood to neighborhood, and keen-eyed locals can tell where someone lives just by observing which version of the Ōmiya Odori they perform. The main event takes place on August 15 at Fukuda Shrine and culminates in a fireworks display. This shrine is also called “Ōmiya-sama,” which is how the dance gets its name. In front of its inner sanctum is a covered dance floor, a rare surviving example of this architectural feature. Most of the year, it serves as a sheltered place to pray and drop a few coins in the offering box, but during the festival the box is removed, clearing the floor for the dancers.
Another key venue for the Ōmiya Odori is a small wooden hall called Yoshimori-dō, where the dance is performed under the gaze of a 400-year-old wooden statue of Amida Buddha. Behind and to the right of the hall (on the other side of a modern warehouse) stands a modest cluster of graves, of which the oldest are believed to date to the early fourteenth century. They testify to the enduring sacred character of the site.
Another unique feature of the Ōmiya Odori is shirige, decorative paper cutouts hung from the bottom of a large rectangular lantern that is suspended over the dance floor. The images, painstakingly cut from handmade washi paper, range from simple designs of fruit and vegetables to elaborate, kimono-clad women or landscapes that rival the works of ukiyo-e woodcut masters. These delicate artworks are often created during the winter months, when snowed-in locals daydream of warmer weather and the merry festival period. Many beautiful examples of shirige, as well as videos of the Ōmiya Odori, can be seen year-round at the Hiruzen Local History Museum.
While the exact origins of the Ōmiya Odori have been lost to time, its similarity to ancient court dances suggests a history of more than 1,000 years. With mountains on all sides, Maniwa has been geographically isolated until fairly recently—allowing this version of the bon odori to be passed down intact through the centuries. In 1997, the dance was declared an Intangible Folk Cultural Asset by the government, in recognition of its unique regional characteristics and its role as a precursor to the modern bon odori.
■Hiruzen Dairy
Hiruzen is the largest producer of Jersey cattle in Japan. The cows are mainly used for milk production, and have earned the area widespread acclaim for delicious dairy products.
In 1954, a herd of Jersey cattle was imported from New Zealand to make use of the semi-natural grasslands in Hiruzen that were unsuitable for crops. Jerseys are about two-thirds the size of Holsteins—the more familiar black-and-white dairy breed—but they produce a roughly proportional volume of milk. They also require less fodder than the larger Holsteins, and convert a higher percentage of their fodder intake to milk, rather than body weight. Combined with their hardiness and docile temperament, their efficient productivity made the Jerseys an ideal choice for establishing a dairy industry in Hiruzen. Today, about 2,000 Jersey cattle are raised here.
Jersey milk is particularly rich, with nearly 5 percent butterfat, compared to roughly 4 percent in Holstein milk. Along with calcium and vitamins, the fat contains high levels of the antioxidant beta-carotene, giving Hiruzen’s milk an ever-so-faint yellow tinge—and the nickname “Golden Milk.” Jersey milk is also slightly higher in protein and nonfat solids, making it overall denser in composition.
Since the cows feed predominantly by grazing on the mountain grasslands, their milk’s flavor also reflects the local terroir—a term often applied to wine grapes, denoting the combined effects of soil, terrain, and climate on a product’s taste. Visitors can experience this distinct Hiruzen character in many local dairy products, including fresh milk, soft-serve ice cream, yogurt, and artisanal cheeses. The products are widely available at tourist facilities, supermarkets, convenience stores, and lodgings. Some small producers also sell directly to customers, attracting passing tourists with roadside signs.
■Hiruzen’s Dirt Foundations
A lot about life in Hiruzen comes down to the dirt.
Much of the earth in this region is a type of black volcanic soil known as andosol—kuroboko in the local dialect. Andosols are dark in color and highly porous, originating from volcanic ejecta such as ash, tuff, and pumice. They also have a high aluminum content that renders their existing phosphate insoluble. As many gardeners know, phosphate is one of the key minerals that plants need to grow. The insolubility of natural phosphate in andosol means crops are unable to absorb enough phosphate from the soil. Because of this, Hiruzen’s soil was long considered poor for farming.
During the period of food shortages following World War II, however, there was a nationwide push to utilize more land for farming. As a result, phosphate fertilizers entered widespread production. Andosols naturally have good breathability and excellent water retention. They are also soft, making for easy tilling. Once the issue of phosphate uptake was resolved by targeted fertilizing, the soil in Hiruzen became ideal for farming.
The kuroboko soil in Hiruzen is particularly suitable for daikon, a mild-flavored radish popular across Japan. Between 10 and 15 centimeters in girth and up to 60 centimeters in length, these “huge roots” (the literal meaning of the Japanese name) dig deeply into the ground. Hiruzen’s soft soil allows the daikon root to grow straight, while the soil’s mineral composition and moisture retention result in radishes that are juicy as well as highly nutritious. In Japan, where the appearance of produce is often as important as its taste, the “Hiruzen Daikon” brand is gaining in popularity. In Maniwa they can be bought at Kaze no Ie, part of the nationwide network of michi no eki roadside rest stops stocked with local produce and regional goods.
The soil in Hiruzen is also notable for the presence of diatomaceous earth, a layer of silica-rich sediment formed from the fossils of tiny phytoplankton called diatoms. About half a million years ago, a lake formed in the Hiruzen Basin when an avalanche of volcanic debris blocked a river and flooded the area. As diatoms living in the water died, they drifted to the lake bottom and gradually formed a sedimentary layer nearly 100 meters thick.
Diatomaceous earth is characterized by its light weight and porosity—characteristics that make it useful in a variety of applications, including thermal insulation, abrasives in toothpaste, organic insecticides, and filters used in brewing and food production. Silica mined from Hiruzen’s diatomaceous earth is used both in Japan and overseas, and it has become a major local industry in itself.
Diatomaceous earth also plays a role in many of Hiruzen’s handicrafts and local businesses. For example, artisans in Maniwa make a unique form of lacquerware called Gōbara shikki, which requires an abrasive to smooth the wood’s surface before applying lacquer. These craftsmen, who take pride in using locally sourced raw materials, opt to use diatomaceous earth instead of sandpaper.
Another industry uniquely “grounded” in Hiruzen’s soil is wine production from locally grown grapes. An endemic species of grape known as yamabudō (Vitis coignetiae) grows wild in the surrounding mountains, and Hiruzen Winery spent over a decade selecting and cultivating the sweetest vines to yield the yamabudō wines, liqueurs, juice, and jams they produce today. The filtration in their fermentation tanks is provided by local diatomaceous earth.
Thanks to the combined forces of geological activity and human ingenuity, the Hiruzen Highlands’ rich soil provides a fertile matrix for a thriving community.
■Okowa: Hiruzen Comfort Food
Just one bite of a beloved dish remembered from childhood can bring a sense of well-being and nostalgia. For many people in Hiruzen, that comfort food is okowa.
Okowa is a general term for savory rice dishes made primarily with steamed glutinous rice. Many regional versions exist, varying in the type and number of other ingredients cooked together with the rice. In Hiruzen, the customary recipe adds chicken to wild plants (sansai), shiitake mushrooms, butterbur stems, burdock root, carrots, chestnuts, and ginkgo nuts. The blend is lightly seasoned with soy sauce to add umami, and the result is a highly nutritious meal that fills and satisfies.
Hiruzen okowa is a celebratory dish often prepared for guests and on special occasions such as festivals, birthdays, and graduations. Making okowa requires significant time and effort, as the rice must soak for days in advance. Wild plants need to be gathered, and some of the ingredients, like the chestnuts, ginkgo nuts, and butterbur stems, have to be painstakingly boiled, peeled, or soaked. These days, a trip to the supermarket can replace some of those steps, but even so this special dish involves a lot of work. The end result is considered a gesture of love and respect for the lucky diners, which adds another element of pleasure to the meal.
Visitors can try okowa at many of the restaurants around Maniwa.
■Hiruzen Yakisoba: Classic Dish with a Local Twist
Yakisoba is a popular noodle dish found at nearly every convenience store and festival food stall in Japan. This classic is made by stir-frying wheat noodles on a griddle with pork, cabbage, and a sweet sauce made with Worcestershire and soy sauce—but Hiruzen offers its own regional twist.
Local residents keep the same springy noodles, but prepare them with chicken from the flavor-rich meat of mature hens, sweet local cabbage, and an umami-rich miso sauce. Long cherished as a comforting staple, Hiruzen’s yakisoba gained wider recognition after winning a national competition for so-called B-grade gourmet fare: inexpensive, hearty dishes with a strong sense of place.
The dish stands out partly because of its savory meat. Most chicken meat sold today comes from tender young broilers raised to six or seven weeks. Egg-laying hens, meanwhile, remain productive for up to a year and a half, and only then are they sent to market. The hens’ age and size are said to make their meat denser and more flavorful. Since small farms traditionally consumed hens only at this stage, their distinctive taste is sometimes referred to as “nostalgic.”
The other distinctive feature of Hiruzen yakisoba is its miso-based sauce. Each home and restaurant has its own recipe for the basic blend of miso, onions, garlic, and apples. The exact composition is often a tightly guarded secret, though a chef might go so far as to reveal a key component—swapping out apples for peaches, for example. Among diners, rigorous defense of one’s favorite establishment is a local passion.
■The Yamabudō Wines of Hiruzen Winery
Since 1987, Hiruzen Winery has been making unique local wines from a species of wild grape called yamabudо̄, a name that means “mountain grapes.”
■What are yamabudо̄?
Yamabudо̄ (Vitis coignetiae) is a species of crimson glory vine that bears small, sour fruit. The plants grow wild throughout Japan, but those found in Hiruzen produce darker, slightly sweeter grapes due to climatic differences. Individual grapes grow to about 1 centimeter in diameter and have several large seeds, so the grapes yield much less juice than other, cultivated varieties. However, their juice is particularly high in polyphenols, which contain antioxidants said to offer myriad health benefits.
■How are they grown?
Determining how to raise yamabudо̄ for wine production was a long process of trial and error that began in 1979. The first step was choosing stock vines. Around 1,000 vines were growing wild around Hiruzen, and those with the highest sugar content and lowest acidity were selected for cultivation, a process that took about a decade.
Once planted, the vines needed another five years to reach maturity and begin producing fruit. It also took time—and numerous failures—to figure out the best way to trellis the vines so they could survive Hiruzen’s heavy snowfalls. Rather than being planted in separate vertical rows, a common practice in many vineyards, the vines here are encouraged to grow together in horizontal trellises about 2 meters high, which helps to keep the plants from freezing in snowdrifts.
Hiruzen Winery currently has 8 hectares of established vineyards and produces 18 to 20 tons of yamabudо̄ annually, but their vines still require constant care, even beyond the usual pruning and monitoring. For example, nearly all cultivated grapes are self-pollinating because their flowers have both male and female parts. Yamabudо̄ are dioecious, however, meaning each vine has either male or female flowers. Male plants do not produce fruit—another factor that diminishes the overall yield—but must still be grown nearby for pollination to occur. To increase the yield, workers need to ensure that as many female flowers are pollinated as possible.
■What kinds of wine are produced?
Hiruzen Winery makes red wines and rosés with 100-percent yamabudо̄ grapes. It also produces several blends, such as a red mixed with the Yama-Sauvignon varietal (a hybrid of yamabudо̄ and Cabernet Sauvignon), and a white blended with Chardonnay grapes from Kobe. Production takes place in modern stainless-steel fermentation tanks, with the reds aged in French oak barrels that are particularly suited for drawing out the rich flavor of the grape. The resulting wines are full-bodied with deep color, surprisingly mild tannins, and a high acidity suitable for long aging.
In recent years, the yamabudо̄ wines of Hiruzen Winery have been frequent medalists at the Japan Wine Challenge, testimony to the success of the four-decades-long process of cultivating this native plant.
山ぶどう(ヤマブドウ)は、小粒の酸味のある果実をつける、英語でクリムゾン・グローリー・ヴァイン(crimson glory vine)と呼ばれる植物の一種である。この植物は全国に自生しているが、蒜山では気候が異なるため、より濃く、少し甘いブドウを生産する。ブドウの実の一つ一つは、直径約1センチメートルまで成長し、大きい種子がいくつか入っている。そのため、このブドウの実は、他で栽培される種と比べ、果汁の量が大幅に少ない。しかし、その果汁は、非常に多くのポリフェノール(健康に関する様々な恩恵をもたらすと言われる抗酸化物質を含有する)を含む。
■Visiting the Hiruzen Winery
Built in 2010, the Hiruzen Winery facility Coignetiae welcomes guests with a café, shop, and tasting counter that showcase the wild grapes of the native yamabudо̄ species.
The café space serves freshly prepared dishes made with local produce and designed to pair well with Hiruzen wines. For a full meal, the daily lunch plate features seasonal produce and is served with bread and soup. Customers can also try local Jersey beef in a flavorful curry or roasted and served over rice in a donburi bowl. Wines are available by the glass, as well as small accompanying bites such as olives, nuts, and an assortment of local cheeses. There is even yamabudо̄ soft-serve ice cream for dessert. Relax in the sunny indoor dining room with views of the surrounding hills, or try the patio for al fresco dining.
■Tasting Counter
At the tasting counter, visitors can sample a selection of Hiruzen wines. At least ten are on offer at all times, either free or for a small fee, depending on the selection. The knowledgeable staff—and often the owner himself—are standing by to answer any questions.
The wine shop carries the full Hiruzen Winery lineup, including the popular Hillzen series made with 100-percent yamabudо̄ grapes, the Sanzan series of blends, and the award-winning Okayama Pione dessert wine. The shop also offers brandies and other liqueurs produced in-house, such as a potent grappa made by distilling the yamabudо̄ wine lees, and tart yamabudо̄ juice, delicious on its own or as a cocktail mixer. Locally produced cheeses and other specialties like tinned venison are also available to complete a perfect aperitivo menu.
A windowed hallway extends from the shop into the production area, so visitors can see the fermentation tanks, bottling machine, and distillation equipment in action. A small vineyard behind the building offers a closer look at the unique trellising used here, as well as the chance to examine yamabudо̄ vines up close.
Visitors looking to learn about yamabudо̄ cultivation first-hand may wish to assist with the winery’s vine maintenance. Interested parties should inquire at the Maniwa Visitor Center for details.    
■Hiruzen Herb Garden Herbill
Perched on a hillside with views overlooking the lush Hiruzen Highlands beneath the triple peaks of the Hiruzen Sanza, this elegant botanical showplace exhibits the beauty and creativity that can be achieved in carefully tended landscapes.
The picturesque herb garden, styled after a traditional English garden, features around 200 species of plants. Visitors are encouraged to explore with all of their senses, taking in not only the skillful visual arrangements but also the varied textures and fragrances of the herbs. Something is always in flower from April through October, but in June the garden reaches its height as roses bloom in a kaleidoscope of colors and scents. Designed and built entirely by the owner, the English garden contains neat, mulched pathways through leafy trellises, benches surrounded by fragrant blossoms, and a petite stone cottage for a shady retreat.
Behind the herb garden, the southwestern hillside is covered with 10,000 lavender plants—the largest lavender field in western Japan. Their purple flowers perfume the air in July, when Herbill holds its lavender harvest festival. Herbill grows several kinds of lavender, but the majority is an English variety called “Dream.” Visitors can cut their own lavender to take home and also learn how to preserve it. Bordering the lavender fields is a blueberry patch planted with Northern Highbush varieties that can withstand the region’s chill winters. Each July, when the berries ripen, visitors can pay to pick and eat them as they stroll through the gardens. In winter, this same slope makes for excellent sledding.
While the tidy rows and lovingly tended flowerbeds are a model of cultivation, these gardens are surrounded by nature—and attract plenty of local wildlife. Keen-eyed visitors will spot excavations left by foraging Japanese badgers, known in Japan by the apt name of anaguma, or “hole bears.” In the trees above the irrigation pond, forest green tree frogs suspend their foam-like egg masses from branches, keeping a wary eye out for Japanese striped snakes on the hunt. And of course, flocks of birds and butterflies come to sample the ocean of flowers.
The first floor of the airy central building houses a popular restaurant and café. Dishes are made from local produce and accented with herbs and edible flowers grown on-site. Afternoon tea—with homemade scones and clotted cream made from local Jersey milk—is a local favorite. Also served are cakes and a colorful variety of homemade herbal teas, which are available for purchase in the attached shop. Alongside staples like lemongrass and mint, there are creative blends such as a bright-blue mallow tea that turns pink with the addition of the house lemon syrup.
Diners can choose seating in the glass-walled dining room or on the pet-friendly terrace, where umbrella-shaded tables have a view that stretches across the Hiruzen Basin to the mountains collectively known as the “three peaks of Hiruzen,” or Hiruzen Sanza. Lush grasslands on their slopes offer abundant grazing land for Hiruzen’s famed Jersey cattle, while forests of oak and beech higher up reflect the brilliant colors of passing seasons. The terrace’s elevation makes this one of the best scenic overlooks in the region.
■Craft Room
On the cozy second floor, beneath bunches of lavender and hydrangea hung to dry in the exposed rafters, there is a studio offering drop-in workshops in making arrangements with dried and preserved flowers. The materials are available in preselected sets, or visitors may choose their own assortment from a vast selection, some grown on-site.
■Hiruzen Cycling
With gently sloping hills set against the picturesque Hiruzen Sanza peaks, the Hiruzen Highlands are a delightful place to explore by bicycle. Rental bikes are available for all needs and skill levels, and types include mountain, cross, road, and electric bikes—even a tandem bike.
The Hiruzen Basin is circled by a roughly 30-kilometer cycling path suitable for all. The route incorporates dedicated biking roads, local streets (typically with light traffic), and many shady rest areas and public toilets, making it ideal for family outings. With no rest stops it takes approximately two and a half hours to complete the loop. However, the route passes close to many of the area’s most popular attractions, including Herb Garden Herbill, Shiogama Spring, Hiruzen Winery, and Jersey Land, so the ride can easily expand into a full-day adventure.
Experienced riders may want to take one of the area’s more challenging courses: a circuit route around Maniwa’s component neighborhoods (100 km), or the route used in the punishing Tour de Daisen race, which starts in Maniwa and loops around the towering Mt. Daisen in neighboring Tottori Prefecture (90.6 km).
Cyclists riding through the peaceful agrarian communities of Hiruzen will gain a peek at life on small local farms, where friendly Jersey cows may saunter up to the fence for a visit. Stopping by a small cheese shop en route or picking out vegetables at a roadside stand are simple diversions available to those who like to take their time. Cycling enthusiasts wishing to focus on strenuous exercise can still cap off a day’s ride with a bath at Hiruzen Yatsuka Onsen or the therapeutic radon waters of Kо̄gen no Yu.
Touring Hiruzen on two wheels is possible even in winter as part of a snow cycling tour run by Hiruzen Cycling Service. Fat tires with studs provide extra traction to grip the icy roads. The reward is stunning vistas of misty peaks towering over fields blanketed in untouched snow.
Year-round, cycling is a wonderful way to enjoy Hiruzen’s scenery and experience its local culture.
■Katsuyama: Traditional Townscape, Contemporary Art
The former castle town of Katsuyama is situated along the Asahi River in northern Okayama Prefecture, a location that made it a wealthy merchant town during the Edo period (1603–1867). The river allowed easy transport of lumber from the area’s timber industry to ports downstream, while goods flowed overland along the Izumo Road, a trade route connecting western cities along the Sea of Japan with the city of Himeji in southern Hyо̄go Prefecture.
Katsuyama’s merchants built elegant homes, shops, and storehouses along the main street, which is now a historical preservation district. Two-story buildings with interlocking ceramic roof tiles, slatted wood screens, and white plaster facades line the narrow road, their shopfronts flush with the pavement. Keen-eyed visitors will spot decorative plaster reliefs (kote-e) on the walls and ornamental shibi figures on the gables. Shibi sculptures depict dragons and other mythical beasts, and are said to ward off fires. Aside from the occasional passing car, it is a townscape that remains largely unchanged over the past century.
Another distinguishing feature of Katsuyama is more modern: the proliferation of colorful shop curtains called noren. Traditionally, these half-length, often-generic curtains are hung outside a shop’s door to indicate it is open for business. The noren of Katsuyama, however, are extraordinary. All are original, naturally dyed artworks created by local weaver and dyer Kano Yoko. She collaborates with each shop owner, designing an image that represents that person’s business. Some are literal depictions, like a steaming cup of coffee surrounded by dancing beans for a café. Others are more abstract, expressing the spirit of the owner and enticing visitors to enter and find out what kind of business might possibly be represented by a happy little ogre squatting in a field of green. (A bar, as it turns out.)
A simple stroll along the main street, taking in the vibrant noren against the backdrop of traditional architecture, is pleasure enough to justify a visit to Katsuyama, but interesting experiences wait inside the shops as well. A 200-year-old sake brewery welcomes visitors with a shop and restaurant. Galleries showcase local art and handicrafts such as woven bamboo baskets, while souvenir shops sell freshly steamed saka manjū, a traditional bun made with sake and filled with sweet bean paste. And Kano Yoko can be found at her atelier, available for a hands-on dyeing lesson or to design an original noren for a truly unique souvenir.
■真庭市Webサイト:勝山 江戸の町並み のれん
■Kanba Falls
At 110 meters high and 20 meters across, Kanba Falls is one of the largest waterfalls in the Chūgoku region. From its crest the water tumbles down over successive ledges of black volcanic rock, like a Chinese ink painting come to life. Toward the bottom of the falls, the water is parted by a narrow stone called “Carp Rock” for its resemblance to a giant fish swimming upstream. This postcard-perfect vista has earned the falls a place on several rankings of Japan’s most beautiful sites.
Kanba Falls is located inside a 100-hectare nature park. A well-maintained trail leads up to the foot of the falls, following a rocky streambed lined by maples, katsuras, and zelkovas that change from lush green in summer to a riot of red and yellow in autumn. Each spring, a species of cherry tree called fukuzakura puts forth shaggy blossoms reminiscent of tiny chrysanthemums. A single flower can have hundreds of individual petals, each a dark fuchsia in the center that gradually lightens to pale pink at the edge.
The trail passes another scenic waterfall called Tamadare Falls, loosely translatable as “Hanging Droplet Falls.” Small rivulets trickle along a ledge of moss-covered rock before falling with a delicate plinking sound into the stream below. The scene resembles rain running off a thatched roof—hence the cascade’s name.
Around 160 wild Japanese macaque monkeys live in the park. Native to Japan, the species lives the furthest north of any non-human primate species in the world, with a range that stretches to the northernmost tip of Honshū. The troop that resides here is not always found near the falls, as they spend much of their time foraging higher up in the mountains. However, lucky visitors may catch sight of mothers cradling gawky newborns in spring, juveniles playing raucous games of tag in summer, and adults with bright scarlet faces—signaling a readiness to mate—in fall. Visitors are discouraged from bringing food into the park, as the monkeys may attempt to steal it.
■Kaze no Ie Produce Market
Kaze no Ie is a bustling tourist site that draws more than 400,000 visitors each year. With those numbers, one might expect it to be an amusement park or museum, but it is actually a roadside rest area, or michi no eki. Part of a popular network of 1,180 such stops across Japan, Kaze no Ie offers free parking, public restrooms, tourist information, and one-stop shopping for locally made products.
The biggest draw at Kaze no Ie is its sprawling fruit and vegetable market where local and tourist shoppers alike come to buy Hiruzen’s seasonal bounty. One notable regional specialty is Hiruzen daikon. Daikon radishes are a common staple essential to Japanese cuisine, but the Hiruzen variety is especially sought-after. Its appearance is as prized as its taste—an important quality in a country where farmers devote countless hours of specialized labor to produce perfectly formed fruit and vegetables free from blemishes. The softness of Hiruzen’s black volcanic soil allows the root to grow straight and unmarred, while its mineral composition and moisture result in radishes that are juicy and highly nutritious.
Sales at Kaze no Ie support the community through a simple system of product tracing. Any resident is welcome to take home a green display tray, fill it with produce to sell, and return it to the shop. Each seller has a registered barcode that is used to label the items they supply. A quick scan at the checkout register ensures that a portion of the sale goes to its producer. Professional farmers are not the only suppliers for this market; other local residents, including elderly residents supplementing their pensions, sell produce here, too. Some offer delicacies they have foraged in the mountains, such as rare mushrooms, wild butterbur, and tart goumi berries known in the local dialect as guibi.
In addition to its produce market, the Kaze no Ie complex has a retail store where specialty goods and handicrafts from the area are sold, as well as a restaurant and café where visitors can try Okayama dishes like the popular noodle stir-fry called Hiruzen yakisoba.
■道の駅 風の家
■Hiruzen Yatsuka Hot Spring Kaiyukan
With its cool climate and encircling mountains, Hiruzen is a haven for outdoor sports. Hiking and skiing are perennially popular, but the Kaiyukan hot spring venue and its associated facilities for leisure sports offer plenty of other ways to work up a sweat in the valley.
Kaiyukan encompasses a wide range of sporting venues, each of them with the necessary gear available for rental. The driving range, tennis courts, soccer field, baseball diamond, basketball courts, and indoor pool will be familiar to most visitors, as will the rental bikes. But there is also a course for ground golf, a Japanese innovation that follows the rules of traditional golf but uses a wooden club similar to a croquet mallet. It is played on a flat green where tees are separated from holes by relatively short distances. Ground golf is easy for players of all ages to master, and a great family activity.
After exercise, a soak in the radon-rich hot springs of Kaiyukan is an ideal way to freshen up and soothe tired muscles. The waters are known for having some of the nation’s highest concentrations of radon, an element produced by the radioactive decay of uranium that is present in igneous rock. Its presence in the springs poses no risk to health; in fact, studies have indicated that low-dose exposure to such natural radiation has a hormetic effect, stimulating the body’s immune system and promoting good health. The indoor spa facilities include stone baths, jacuzzies, and saunas. The outdoor baths are surrounded by small gardens. After nightfall, they offer awe-inspiring views of the Milky Way.
■蒜山やつか温泉 快湯館
■Fukuda Shrine and Yoshimori-dō
Fukuda Shrine and Yoshimori-dō are two locations for the Ōmiya Odori, a traditional dance performed as part of the summer Obon festival in Maniwa. The dance takes place across several days in July and August and at multiple venues, but these two sites are particularly historic.
Fukuda Shrine hosts the finale of the Ōmiya Odori every year on August 15. Locals call the shrine Ōmiya-sama, which is where the dance gets its name. Although the shrine’s exact foundation date is unknown, its history can be traced back to at least the thirteenth century, when it was mentioned in several historical texts. The current wooden structure of the main hall and its connected worship space dates to 1916. There are three kami (deities) enshrined at Fukuda: Susanoo no Mikoto, the god of storms; Kushiinadahime, a goddess of rice; and Ōnamuchi no Mikoto, another name for Ōkuninushi, the god of nation-building and relationships.
Within Fukuda Shrine’s main sanctuary, the worship area where the Ōmiya Odori takes place is covered by a copper roof, green with age, but its walls are open to the breeze. Spectators watch from three sides as the dancers circle slowly on the worn wooden floor, performing precise steps and gestures that mimic the movements of a fox. Above the perimeter of the dance floor hang a collection of о̄ema, large votive paintings on wood. Donated over the centuries to earn blessings and commemorate great achievements, they depict auspicious symbols and scenes from Japanese history. Today, these о̄ema serve to connect the modern performers to the lives of their ancestors as well as their cultural heritage.
Two massive ginkgo trees on the grounds are thought to be around 650 years old. Because these ginkgos are considered sacred, their leaves—which turn a beautiful golden yellow in autumn—are left unraked to carpet the ground. The scene is especially stunning in the early morning, when newly fallen leaves, as yet undisturbed by passing worshippers, gather in drifts around the lichen-covered stone lanterns and weathered statues of lion-like guardians called komainu.
The other historical venue where the Ōmiya Odori is performed, Yoshimori-dō, is a modest open-sided wooden pavilion located next to one of the oldest gravesites in Okayama Prefecture. The dance performed at this site honors the spirits of the unknown samurai buried there. Two large granite pagodas mark the main graves. Their inscriptions are no longer legible, but the style dates them to around 1300. Smaller gravestones, erected around 400 years ago, cluster around them. Despite being newer, these were made of less durable stone and thus have suffered greater wear. In the past, Yoshimori-dō and the graves were surrounded only by rice fields, but now this historic cultural site is nestled among modern warehouses and homes—a juxtaposition of ancient and modern typical of contemporary Japan.
Yoshimori-dō houses a 400-year-old wooden statue of Amida Buddha that is open to the public year-round. Amida is a savior figure who has vowed to bring salvation to all sentient beings by leading them after death to his Pure Land, a paradise where enlightenment is assured. He is the central deity for Pure Land Buddhism, the most widely practiced form of Buddhism in Japan.
■Gōbara Lacquerware
Hiruzen is home to Gōbara lacquerware (gōbara-shikki), a form of the art distinguished by carving and lacquering methods that retain and show off the natural beauty of the woodgrain in the finished work.
The history of lacquerware production in Hiruzen dates back around 600 years. Unlike the distinctive pieces made here today, the area’s historical lacquerware resembled that of other regions, with opaque black or red finishes. The coatings, however, were relatively thin, using less lacquer and making the pieces less expensive than lacquerware produced elsewhere. This made Hiruzen lacquerware an affordable souvenir for pilgrims traveling to Mt. Daisen and the surrounding area.
At the peak of the craft’s popularity in the Edo period (1603–1867), around 400,000 pieces of lacquerware were manufactured in Hiruzen each year. Less than a century later, however, regional lacquerware production was nearly extinguished by World War II. Challenging postwar economic conditions led to a diminished demand for luxury items, and many craftspeople with the necessary skills perished in the conflict. There was also a shortage of materials—particularly lacquer—due to heavy wartime use for military applications like protecting boat hulls.
For several decades, no lacquerware was made. Then, Hiruzen artisans resurrected the craft in the 1980s, using existing samples and written sources to recreate the process. They aspired to make modern lacquerware that was nonetheless true to its heritage and the character of its locale. To connect the modern incarnation to its ancestral tradition, today’s artisans continue to seek out the same materials used in the past. In addition, they are planting lacquer trees and engaging in educational outreach to secure the tradition’s future.
Everything that goes into a piece of Gōbara lacquerware is produced in Hiruzen. The wood comes from wild chestnut trees that grow in the surrounding mountains. In general, lumber destined for conventional red and black lacquerware production is cut lengthwise, a method that yields a greater number of bases but sacrifices the figural effect of the woodgrain. Since the wood is destined to be coated with pigment, efficiency is prioritized. In the making of Gōbara lacquerware, however, the trunk is cut crosswise into disks. This limits the number of bases that can be obtained from a single tree as well as the possible size of a finished piece, but the beauty of the growth rings is left intact. Hiruzen artisans show off these elegant concentric circles to full effect in their lacquering.
The base disks are carved into bowls, plates, and other items using chisels forged by the artisan. Circular pieces are carved with the assistance of a lathe. After each piece is sanded, a base layer of lacquer is applied and allowed to dry.
Lacquer is sap harvested from lacquer trees (Toxicodendron vernicifluum). After a trough is cut into the bark, the few hundred milliliters of sap that ooze out are painstakingly collected for processing. The sap’s natural color is a deep reddish-brown; the bright crimson and stark black finishes of standard lacquerware are achieved by adding pigments. The lacquer sap found in Hiruzen has a particularly high concentration of urushiol, the compound that makes lacquer hard. This gives Gōbara lacquerware its deep luster and excellent durability.
Once the base layer of lacquer has dried, each piece is sanded with diatomaceous earth—also locally sourced—which contains high amounts of abrasive silica. This buffing allows subsequent layers of lacquer to adhere better to the base, resulting in a stronger piece that will be less vulnerable to chipping.
Additional layers of lacquer are applied and set to dry in a special humidity-controlled chamber. These steps are repeated until the desired depth of color is achieved. It takes significant skill to manage this lengthy process without smudging the malleable lacquer, or allowing dust or other debris to mar its brilliant finish. The drying process demands a delicate balance of time, temperature, and humidity, and so requires an experienced eye.
Gōbara lacquerware grows more lustrous with use. Each piece will achieve its greatest beauty through service, and Hiruzen’s craftsmen express the hope that their works will be a regular part of the owner’s everyday life. 
Meet Suiton (pronounced “Soo-EE-ton”), the local monster who serves as unofficial mascot to the Hiruzen region. Visitors will spot him lurking (and in some places towering) throughout the area, red mouth agape and serpentine eyes staring balefully as he balances on his single, trunk-like leg.
According to local legend, Suiton can read minds, and so he knows whenever someone is harboring evil thoughts or malicious plans. His name comes from two onomatopoetic Japanese words: sui, the sound of something speeding through the air, and ton, the whump of a hard landing. Upon sensing that someone is thinking bad thoughts, Suiton flies to the person’s location, lands with a thump, and gobbles up the culprit in the blink of an eye.
Like many of Japan’s supernatural beings (yōkai), Suiton has a dual nature: part merciless punisher, part local protector. Mothers in Hiruzen may use him to threaten misbehaving children, but residents speak of him with surprising affection. Despite its gruesome elements, the legend is cited to explain locals’ traditional friendliness toward newcomers in their community—not always the case in isolated mountain towns. With a flying monster quickly dispatching anyone hiding ill intent, Hiruzen's citizens can safely assume that any traveler allowed to pass must come in peace. Visitors will find Suiton adorning pocket charms and key chains, standing outside local restaurants, and even towering like an immense totem pole just off the highway interchange.
■Bee Larvae: A Hiruzen Delicacy
Hiruzen is one of several mountainous regions in Japan that have a culinary tradition of eating bee or wasp larvae (hachi no ko).
In coastal regions, seafood is a readily available source of protein year-round, but protein was harder to come by in isolated mountain communities. In the past, villagers sought out wild hives as a food source, eating not only the honey (if present) but also the highly nutritious larvae and pupae. Thanks to their diet of royal jelly, bee and wasp larvae contain high concentrations of the essential amino acids used to build proteins, as well as minerals like calcium, magnesium, and zinc.
The larvae and pupae of several species, including yellowjackets, paper wasps, and Japanese carpenter bees, are still eaten in Hiruzen today. One recipe involves sautéing them with soy sauce and mirin, then serving them as a small side dish. Another approach is to use them in takikomi gohan, a dish made by steaming rice with seasonings and accents like fried tofu, shiitake mushrooms, carrots, and burdock. Alternatively, the bee larvae can simply be fried and dipped in soy sauce.
Bee and wasp larvae consumption is no longer as widespread as it once was, but the crunchy delicacy can still be found on the menu at some pubs and restaurants in Hiruzen.
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